Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Welcome! The Blog About The Changing Fashion of Food

Hello and welcome to Cheesed to Meat You! My name is Rukhsar but I'm more commonly known as Roxii. This will be a blog looking at how our eating and drinking habits have changed over the years. I will be looking at several different periods of time beginning with the Tudor period and ending with where I think the future of food lies. My main argument in this blog will be that just as clothes have fashion trends, so does food and this is a topic that needs to be explored. How have we gone from being a species that hunted to survive to sophisticated creatures that only need to pop down to a supermarket across the road for a meal? Why is it that things like Spam were once considered tasty, are now considered a poor mans’ food? Do we have enough food to accommodate for the ever rising population?

At one time in society it was common for the upper classes to stay away from vegetables as they believed it was bad for their health; a complete paradox to the vast amount of money many middle and upper classes spend now on organic fruit and veg. This is one example of the type of topic that will be looked at in this blog. As well as this I would like to look at some recipes and sharing with you some of my favourites from each dynasty.  

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